Respiratory Distress In The Newborn Premature Not Premature Respiratory Distress In The Newborn Infectious Normal CXR Non-Infectious Apnea of Prematurity Sepsis* Intraventricular Hemorrhage *Hypoglycemia* Hypothermia* Narcosis Respiratory Distress Syndrome (RDS)* Transient Tachypnea of the Newborn (TTNB)PneumoniaPneumothorax*Congenital Abnormality Meconium in Amniotic Fluid Abnormal CXR Meconium Aspiration Respiratory Distress Syndrome (RDS)* Transient Tachypnea of the Newborn (TTNB) Pneumothorax*Congenital Abnormality Sepsis* Pneumonia * Denotes acutely life-threatening causes Potentially acutely life-threatening presentation

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