Skin Rash Eczematous Papulosquamous Vesiculobullous Pustular Reactive Rash: Clinical Approach to rash – Pustular Author: The Calgary Blackbook, 10th edition Adapted for Paediatrics by: Dr. Theresa Wu Pruritic/Scaly/Erythematous lesions. Usually poorly demarcated Erythematous or violaceous papules & plaques with overlying scale Blisters containing nonpurulent fluid Blisters containing purulent fluid Reactive rash with various morphology *Indicates Key Condition This is not an exhaustive list of medical conditions. Acne Vulgaris Folliculitis Impetigo Candidiasis Erythematous papules and pustules on face Comedones +/- nodules, cysts, scars on face & trunk Pustules centered around hair follicles Pustules with overlying thick honey-yellow crusts “Beefy red” erythematous patches in body folds with satellite pustules at periphery

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