Skin Rash Eczematous Papulosquamous Vesiculobullous Pustular Reactive Rash: Clinical Approach to rash – Papulosquamous Author: The Calgary Blackbook, 10th edition Adapted for Paediatrics by: Dr. Theresa Wu Pruritic/Scaly/Erythematous lesions. Usually poorly demarcated Erythematous or violaceous papules & plaques with overlying scale Blisters containing nonpurulent fluid Blisters containing purulent fluid Reactive rash with various morphology Psoriasis Lichen Planus Pityriasis Rosea Tinea (Ring Worm) Discoid Lupus Erythematous Well demarcated plaques, thick silvery scale on elbows & knees. Auspitz sign Koebner’s phenomenon Purple, pruritic, polygonal, planar (flat-topped) papules on wrists/ankles/genitals Oval, tannish-pink or salmoncoloured patches, plaques with scaling border in Christmas tree pattern on trunk, begins with a large lesion patch (Herald’s patch) Annular (Ring-shaped) lesion with elevated scaling, red border, central clearing Scarring and/or atrophic red/purple plaques with white adherent scales on sun-exposed area *Indicates Key Condition This is not an exhaustive list of medical conditions

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