Paediatric Infectious Skin Rash Bacterial Viral* Other *Indicates Key Condition This is not an exhaustive list of medical conditions. Parvovirus Molluscum Contagiousum Varicella Measles Rash: Paediatric Infectious Rashes Author: Dr. Theresa Wu Reviewer: Dr. Cora Constantinescu Student reviewer: Cellulitis* Impetigo* Staph Scaled Skin Scarlet Fever* Scabies* Meningococcemia* Roseola Erythematous, poorly demarcated, non-palpable, blanchable rash Pustules with overlying thick honey-yellow crusts. Occurs in clusters Erytehmatous sand-paper like rash over trunk, extremities, cheeks. Strawberry tongue. Spares palms and soles. Pastia lines Widespread erythroderma, involving the face, diaper, and intertriginous areas. Desquamation and crusting present. Nikolsky sign. Purpuric, non blanchable rash over full body Erythematous, blanchable macules spreading cephalocaudally. Koplik spots. URTI symptoms and pharyngitis Bright red, well demarcated rash over cheeks – “slappedcheek” appearance. May have lacy reticular rash over hands and feet Erythematous, blanchable macules spreading cephalocaudally. Rash usually starts after fever defervesces Flesh colored, well demarcated papules with umbilicated center Vesicular rash filled with clear fluid, on an erythematous base. Highly pruritic Erythematous papules and vesicles distributed over hands and skin folds. Burrow may be present. Highly pruritic.

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