Febrile Seizure Age 6 months to 6 years Temp 38.5 degrees C Neurologically normal exam before and after a seizure. If less than 6 months, not a febrile seizure LP If neuro deficits or lethargic on exam need to rule out CNS infection CT LP Simple Febrile Seizure Generalized less than 15 minutes 1 seizure in 24 hours Not investigations for seizure work-up source of fever (ear exam, consider urinalysis and culture, CBC) 1/3 risk of having a future febrile seizure. No significant increased risk of epilepsy. No brain damage, no impact on intelligence. Complez atypical febrile seizure focal less than or qual to 15 minutes less than 1 seizure in 24 hours. EEG, Consider CT/MRI, especially if focal features. Consider LP (clinical decision; higher threshold to do LP if prolonged seizure, age 6-12 months or focal features) Work up source of fever. Around 1/3 risk of having future febrile seizures. Slightly increased risk of epilepsy (4-6%) No brain damage from short (less than 15 minutes) sz

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