Chest Pain (Potentially) Life-Threatening​ ​ New pain, often severe with sudden onset​ May have abnormal vital signs (often multiple)​ Non-Life-Threatening​ ​ Often gradual onset or can be chronic​ Often normal vital signs​ All are common​ Common Uncommon Acute Coronary Syndrome (ACS)​ Pulmonary Embolism​ Cardiac Arrhythmia​ Aortic Dissection​ Tension Pneumothorax Anxiety/Panic​ New/worsening anginal symptoms​ Dyspnea, pleuritic pain, cough​ Symptoms of DVT​ Palpatations, dyspnea, presyncope/syncope​ Abrupt chest/back pain (sharp, tearing, ripping)​ Dyspnea, pleuritic pain​ More common in major trauma​ Beck's Triad​ More common in major trauma​ GERD Chest Wall Pain​ Anxiety/Panic Stable Angina Pneumonia​ Burning, squeezing pain​ Positional​ Triggered by food​ Reproducible with palpation​ Muscle strain, Costochondritis​ Known anxiety disorder​ Often will have an identifiable stressor​ Known CAD with predictable pain pattern​ Fever, cough, dyspnea, tachypnea​ May occasionally be life-threatening​

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